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How to maintain a sharp kitchen knife

How to maintain a sharp kitchen knife

Chris P |

Honing a knife is the process of realigning the blade's edge, making it sharper and more effective. Here are the general steps to follow when honing a knife:

  1. Choose the correct honing tool: There are a variety of honing tools available, such as honing steels or sharpening stones. Choose the tool that is appropriate for your knife.

  2. Prepare the honing surface: If using a sharpening stone, apply a few drops of honing oil or water to the surface to lubricate it.

  3. Hold the honing tool correctly: For honing steels, hold the steel vertically in your non-dominant hand and the knife in your dominant hand. For sharpening stones, hold the stone on a stable surface and hold the knife at a consistent angle on the stone.

  4. Place the blade on the honing tool: Place the blade at a 20-degree angle against the honing tool, starting at the base of the blade and moving up to the tip.

  5. Apply gentle pressure and swipe the blade: Using light pressure, swipe the blade along the honing tool, pulling the knife towards you in a smooth and controlled motion. Repeat this process on the other side of the blade.

  6. Check the blade's sharpness: Test the sharpness of the blade by gently slicing a piece of paper or cutting through a tomato. If the blade is still dull, repeat the honing process.

  7. Clean and store the knife: Clean the knife with a damp cloth to remove any metal particles, and store it in a safe place.

Remember that honing does not replace the need for sharpening. Honing is a maintenance process that should be done frequently to maintain the sharpness of the blade, but sharpening is needed to remove dullness and restore the blade's edge.